Grant Hepworth People's Party of Canada candidate for Lethbridge

People's Party of Canada Lethbridge Published by Ward Grantham · 3 hrs · We are pleased to announce the People's Party of Canada candidate for the Lethbridge riding. Mr Grant Hepworth will represent the party in the upcoming federal election. Mr Hepworth has been a resident of Lethbridge for the past 20 years In the past,He worked for a Lobby Group for Small businesses, called the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, and this is where he learned a lot about the dealings of the government and the bureaucracies that exist within. " No matter what Party is in control, there are always problems, and always areas overlooked, but never the key issues addressed. Through the PPC, I envision a more direct approach to quelling this issue and many others, as there are more “People” than politicians in this party. One of the largest issues plaguing our political system is the Elite being the primary candidates, and they don’t represent the People, only themselves. Most don’t speak to their constituents, and in some cases; go as far as calling the police on those trying to ask questions. This isn’t the Canada I envisioned, or am willing to stand idly by, and allow to exist. The fundamental role of the government is to be “For the people, of the people”, and currently it is the furthest from that truth". We are proud to endorse and support Mr. Hepworth Image may contain: 1 person, beard

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