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April 19, 2016 Main Pavillion - Exhibition Park
Ignite UR Spark is the chance to try new activities, sports, and hobbies here in Lethbridge. Come try something new, and find out what your passion is.
Ignite UR Spark is for youth ages 9-18, or grades 4-12. This year's fair will be held in the Main Pavillion of Exhibition Park on April 19th, from 12:00 - 5:00 PM.
Are you a Spark Champion?
SPARKS are the hidden flames in a youth that light their proverbial fire, get them excited, and tap into their true passions. SPARKS can be musical, athletic intellectual, academic, relational – anything from playing the violin to enjoying work with kids or senior citizens. SPARKS get kids going on a positive path, steering them into making a difference in the world and away from self-defeating or dangerous paths. SPARKS, when they are known and acted on, help youth come to the life-changing insight that “my life has purpose”.
(Peter L. Benson)
Young people understand and know the power of sparks and want to have them. But, not only is it important to discover and pursue their spark, they need someone in their life that will be their “spark champion”. A caring, supportive adult who can help a young person explore their spark, uncover that passion, and support its development. A spark champion may be someone who has a similar spark or who can teach a spark or who may just get a youth going in the right direction.
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