Effective immediately, the City of Lethbridge's call for community-wide water conservation has ended. Water production at the Water Treatment Plant is back to normal, and water reserves were restored to normal levels overnight. Residents are advised they can now resume normal water use.
We extend our thanks to everyone in Lethbridge and in surrounding communities who took whatever steps they could to conserve water over the past several days. These water conservation efforts, combined with the hard work and long hours of staff at the Water Treatment Plant, helped prevent our potable water supply from being depleted to levels that would have forced a boil water order.
Production of potable drinking water at the Water Treatment Plant was slowed and for a time interrupted late last week by extremely muddy conditions and high turbidity in the Oldman River due to the rapid snow melt and ice jams. The river water conditions improved substantially over the past 72 hours, enabling the Water Treatment Plant to step up processing volume substantially to restore our water reserves. We also thank local news media and residents who helped spread the message about our conservation effort via social media and word of mouth.
Additional information on water treatment and conservation is available HERE
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